Select A Plan To Continue. Don’t Worry, You Can Change Your Mind & Plan Anytime.

100% Fiber Network
A 100% fiber network gives you end-to-end connectivity with fiber optics directly running from service provider to your home, delivering a seamless and consistent internet experience.
- Superfast Speeds
- 99.9% uptime
- Uniform Upload/Download Speeds
- Highly Secured Network

VALUE We strive for
The customer-centric plans are designed to suit the unique internet usage - whether you are a light user or a heavy user with gaming, streaming & multiple device needs.
- Unlimited Plans
- Plan change flexibility
- Safe Custody
- Data Rollover
- FREE Expert Installation Use of advanced quality material (splicing, casing & capping)
- FREE Router Dual band ONT + Wi-Fi Router Remotely monitored, Allows higher speed & coverage
*Not available with monthly plans